Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to the doctor for Bailey

Bailey Got her cast of today and we were so happy when we got to see her finger again ! It had color and filling. Dr. Sullivan the Ortho surgeon was so amazed to see that the finger had made it Dr Sullivan was not the surgeon that had seen us in the ER but He could not get over the fact that it had been saved. They took X-rays to see what the bones were doing they were very happy with the resolutes, the Doctor even said that the fingers jaunt will move after some therapy. Baileys hand will be back to it old self again in no time.

Bailey met with physical therapy after the doctor's talked with her, they made her a brace to wear for the next three weeks, it's red because that's her very favorite color. She also learned some exercises to do with her hands and fingers to make them strong.

Thank you to every one that called or came to see Bailey and for all the great treat and gifts. Our Family knows that prayer truly works. Bailey is a beautiful example of that blessing. We are blessed, thank you for all of your prayers.

1 comment:

Tawna said...

That really does look good. My finger is more like ET, so I am really impressed with how it turned out and your persistance! Hopefully everything goes back to normal and she does well with the Phyisical Therapy.